miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

About the Dimensions

The Principle of Dimensional Simultaneity states that two or more physical objects, realities, perceptions and non-physical objects can coexist in the same space-time.
(Principle postulated by Ruben Hector Tesolin - 1975)

The dimensions are a function of the fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak interaction force and the strong interaction force, they can be called microdimensions.
The dimensions are a function of the phases of oscillation of the frames may be called spatiotemporal macrodimensions.
The sum of all dimensions at one point or event, microdimensions and macrodimensions constitutes a SuperDimension or Dimensional set "D".


On the generation of the individual oscillation frequencies corresponding to each of the universes u, in this context "universe u" is equivalent to "reality", that is, physical and non-physical objects.

* The structure of singular space-time

Mathematically this structure is supported by the theory of infinite matrices, which already demonstrated, and is applied to the individual dimensions "d".

* The structure of the universe "u"

All points of space-time that are based on the same oscillation frequency belong to the same substructure, called universe "u", having many substructures as oscillation frequencies. Therefore, if a substructure has the frequency "f1" pattern, then it is defined as "u1" universe.

* The structure of the universe "U"

All universes "u", together, coexist within the universe "U", this therefore comprises substructures, each one with its own frequency corresponding to its oscillation and which consequently keep them isolated. Therefore, each of these substructures or universes has its own unique wave function that characterizes it unequivocally.


Each Dimensional set responds to a unique and distinct frequency from the remaining oscillation.
Then, according to the unfolding of the universe that provided quantum physics, there may be infinite Universes.

The structures already set and developed meet the following mandatory conditions of Physics:

1) Respond to an ascending order, with the elemental structure of singular space-time, structure of individual universe "u" and the overall structure of the universe "U".
2) Its corresponding items related to the development of structures, defining them in depending on the dimensions.
3) It can define and redefine based on their constitution from the demonstrated equivalence between the universe "u"and dimension "D".

Therefore, the overall universe "U" will be constituted by a set of individual universes "u", which they will be defined according to their respective oscillation frequency "f". In this sense, it can be shown theoretically it is known that the universe "U", is composed of multiple universes thus redefining "u" dimensional basic components, it exposes its constitution as Multidimensional Universe.


Two parallel universes or macrodimensions communicate or connect if fluctuations occur due to appearance of changes in the frames of both space-time; accordingly generating an anomaly call interface.
If this anomaly does not exist, then the two major dimensions or parallel universes remain in their respective phases and isolated.


The Principle of Dimensional Simultaneity is applicable to Particle Physics and has been shown in following cases:

1) The subatomic particles such as electrons can occupy different spaces in the same time within same orbital.
2) The elementary particles like muons, may have displacement paths with longer its half-life. (In function of PDS, they interact between universes "u").
3) The fundamental particles like quarks, can show effects not differing material or energy particles.

Falsifiability of explanation and argumentation lies in the inability to detect and prove the origin and the set values of the individual frequencies, corresponding to all "u" universes.
The absolute simultaneity lies in the frequency differential that is infinitesimal and unprovable. Generally, all measured parameters would be in the other universes and therefore could not be measured from our universe.

* Article "Parallel Universes" published 1975 by "Fourth Dimension" Journal.



Karl Raimund Popper is known for his rejection of the classical inductivist views on the scientific method, in favour of empirical falsification: A theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified, meaning that it can and should be scrutinized by decisive experiments. If the outcome of an experiment contradicts the theory, one should refrain from ad hoc manoeuvres that evade the contradiction merely by making it less falsifiable. Popper is also known for his opposition to the classical justificationist account of knowledge which he replaced with critical rationalism, the first non-justificational philosophy of criticism in the history of philosophy.

Popper coined the term "critical rationalism" to describe his philosophy. Concerning the method of science, the term indicates his rejection of classical empiricism, and the classical observationalist-inductivist account of science that had grown out of it. Popper argued strongly against the latter, holding that scientific theories are abstract in nature, and can be tested only indirectly, by reference to their implications. He also held that scientific theory, and human knowledge generally, is irreducibly conjectural or hypothetical, and is generated by the creative imagination to solve problems that have arisen in specific historico-cultural settings.


Falsationism, refutationism or principle of falsifiability is an epistemological current founded by Austrian philosopher Karl Popper. For Popper, testing a theory means trying to refute it by a counterexample. If you can not disprove, this theory is corroborated, may be provisionally accepted, but never verified. Within the methodological falsificationism, we can distinguish the initial naive falsificationism of Popper, sophisticated falsificationism Popper's later work and methodology of the research programs of Imre Lakatos.

The problem of induction arises from the fact that you can not say something universal from the particular data that offers the experience. For many millions of black crows look, you can not say that "all crows are black." Instead, just find a single black crow than to say: "Not all crows are black." For that reason Popper falsificationism introduced as a criterion of scientific delimitation.
Popper rejects actually verificationism as method validation of theories. His central thesis is that there can be no scientific past statements, ie statements that can not be compared or refuted from the experience. The experience remains the distinctive approach that characterizes empirical science and distinguishes it from other theoretical systems.

For Popper nor are unquestionable starting points and the required scientific rationality. The issue of truth is therefore a matter of the method of searching and method of recognizing untruth. Although science is inductive in the first instance, the most important aspect is the deductive part. Science is characterized as rational, and rationality lies in the process by which we subject to criticism and replaced, or not, our beliefs. Facing the problem of induction Popper proposes a series of methodological rules that allow us to decide when to reject a hipótesis.

Popper proposes a scientific method of conjecture by which the observable consequences are derived and tested. If the result fails, the hypothesis is refuted and must therefore be rejected. Otherwise, if everything is checked, the process is repeated considering other deductible consequences. When a hypothesis has survived various attempts at refutation is said to be corroborated, but this does not allow us to say that has been confirmed definitively, but only provisionally, by empirical evidence.


The new scientific paradigm, resulting from the theories of the past decade, refers to the existence of Parallel Universes, the Multiverse and Multidimensional Universes.

These theories adhere world-renowned scientists and leading exponents of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology, such as:
Brian Greene, Stephen Hawking, Max Tegmark, Lee Smolin, Steven Weinberg, Andrei Linde, Leonard Susskind, Alex Vinkelin, Aurélien Barreau, David Deutsch, Michio Kaku, Hugh Everett and Edward Witten.

These theories are studied in prestigious international academic institutions such as:
CERN, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Princeton University, Stanford University, Berkeley University, New York University, Caltech and MIT.

All theories are presented in the Blog "Frontiers of the Universe".
Entering: www.fronterasdeluniverso.blogspot.com.ar